Why Don’t Your Facebook Friends Comment Or Like Your Posts?

Has this question ever lingered in your mind? You have over 1000 Facebook Friends but you barely get any likes and comments. Don’t worry in most cases it doesn’t even have anything to do with you. Sometimes you might post too much, or your posts are not really in the interests of your friends but most of the time supportive friends will still interact with you. However, Facebook has an Algorithm. That is why your friends might not even SEE your posts on their timelines because Facebook shows them the posts which are relevant to the first. There are more factors or reasons besides this that your friends are not interacting with you on Facebook and we will go through them below!

Facebook Has Too Many Ads

A social media platform like Facebook is a big place for people to advertise their business or websites, etc. 

People pay Facebook to promote their Ads on the platform and sometimes your timeline gets cluttered with Ads due to this and you see more Ads than you see real posts from your friends which makes it hard to keep up with your friend’s posts. 

Your Friends Are Not Active On Facebook

I personally go on Facebook once every 2 weeks or sometimes I am on a hiatus for an even longer time. Your friends might be in the same boat. With all these other social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, etc. it can get difficult for people to keep up everywhere.

Due to their inactiveness, they might miss your posts because when they log in after a while Facebook shows them the content which is the most relevant to them. 

Your Friends Have Too Many Facebook Friends

Again, it all comes down to Facebook’s algorithm. Your friends have too many people added to their profile and their timeline has too much going on and they can miss your posts entirely while scrolling. 

This can be due to :

They follow too many people. They are a part of too many groups. They have liked too many pages. Facebook shows them too many ads.

All of these can result in your timeline getting a little overwhelming. 

You Are Posting Too Much

Sometimes you are in a mood to just post carelessly and some of your posts might become “awkward” or just irrelevant to your friends and they don’t want to interact with them. 

Before we go ahead, I just want you to know that if you are using Facebook just for fun do not care about this! Post whatever and as much as you want regardless of the likes and comments. It is YOUR Facebook account after all so have fun with it.

You Are Posting At The Wrong Time

If you do want to increase the number of likes and comments you get, try posting at a time your friends are the most active.

You might be posting while your friends are at work, or asleep. So for them to see your posts, they will have to scroll a lot. Most of the time people do not spend more than 5-10 minutes on Facebook at a time which makes it harder for them to see your posts. 

People are usually the most active in the morning before they work or at night before bed. Try to keep track of when YOUR friends are the most active and post according to that to increase the amount of interaction you get on your posts.

Your Friends Do Not Want To Be Seen As Active

Sometimes people’s social batteries are too drained for interaction (yes, even online). This can cause people to just scroll through their social media accounts without any interaction at all. 

I do this often. It is not because I don’t like what my friends are posting or I don’t see their posts. I am just too exhausted to interact and comment on someone’s post.

So, don’t worry. It probably doesn’t even have anything to do with what you’re posting.


You might not be getting the most likes and comments because your friends either do not see your posts at all or they just want to lurk online and not be seen active. These are the two most common reasons. However, sometimes you could be posting too much or just posting at the wrong time. Try what we have suggested above to learn how you can fix this. 

Don’t let likes and comments stop you from posting what your heart desires. Post what you feel like and just have fun with it! At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about.

Can friends block you on Facebook?

   Ans: Yes, friends can block you on Facebook. You will not be able to see them on your friend’s list anymore if you are blocked. 

Can my friends see what I have liked?

  Ans: Your friends can see what posts you have liked on Facebook.