Fallout 4 is now Bethesda’s biggest selling game ever, a testament to how eagerly fans had anticipated the latest installment in the franchise and how much playability its developer packed into the massive title. But even a game as expansive as Fallout 4 eventually gives up all its secrets, and while the title’s replay value has been cited as among its best strengths, devoted players have been hungry for new content for some time now – driving, among other things, a multitude of creative mods.

And those hungry players can now rejoice: Bethesda has announced the first wave of expansions and add-ons for the game, promising to make one of this generation’s biggest games even bigger.

Set to launch in three parts over the next three months, the expansions will encompass a trio of new gameplay experiences: Automaton, Wasteland Workshop, and Far Harbor centered on robot-fighting, creature-training, and mystery solving, respectively. In a statement, Bethesda said:

“Since Fallout 4 launched, we’ve been blown away by your support for the game. It stands as our most successful title ever and that couldn’t have happened without you. It’s been truly inspiring, the stories, images and experiences that you’ve created. And now it’s time to share with you some of what we’ve been creating.”

In addition, Bethesda’s press-release offered a detailed accounting of each installment, including launch dates and sugested price:


Price: $9.99 USD

Release: March 2016

The mysterious Mechanist has unleashed a horde of evil robots into the Commonwealth, including the devious Robobrain. Hunt them down and harvest their parts to build and mod your own custom robot companions. Choose from hundreds of mods; mixing limbs, armor, abilities, and weapons like the all-new lightning chain gun. Even customize their paint schemes and choose their voices!


Wasteland Workshop

Price: $4.99 USD

Release: April 2016

With the Wasteland Workshop, design and set cages to capture live creatures – from raiders to Deathclaws! Tame them or have them face off in battle, even against your fellow settlers. The Wasteland Workshop also includes a suite of new design options for your settlements like nixi tube lighting, letter kits, taxidermy and more!

Additionally, the new content will trigger an increase in the price of the game’s season pass from $29.99 to $49.99 for new subscribers effective March 1, 2016. While this will almost certainly be a controversial change (such alterations typically are), the price will remain the same for those who have already purchased the pass or purchase before the change goes into effect, entitling passholders to the full $60 worth of new content on release.

Far Harbor

Price: $24.99 USD

Release: May 2016

A new case from Valentine’s Detective Agency leads you on a search for a young woman and a secret colony of synths. Travel off the coast of Maine to the mysterious island of Far Harbor, where higher levels of radiation have created a more feral world. Navigate through the growing conflict between the synths, the Children of Atom, and the local townspeople. Will you work towards bringing peace to Far Harbor, and at what cost? Far Harbor features the largest landmass for an add-on that we’ve ever created, filled with new faction quests, settlements, lethal creatures and dungeons. Become more powerful with new, higher-level armor and weapons. The choices are all yours.

While this likely won’t quell the loudest of complaints, it is a good bet Bethesda hopes this new “window” will drive a renewed surge in purchases for the title. Fallout fans are considered among the most devoted and completionist in all of modern gaming. The fourth installment, in which players explore a post-apocalyptic region centered around Boston, Massachusetts in the year 2287, was downloaded over 1.2 million times on Steam during its first 24 hours of release.

Screen Rant will have more details on Fallout 4 as they are made available.

Source: Bethesda