Chico and his brothers experienced bad dreams about their dad. Robert attacked and annoyed his better half, yet his youngsters said exactly the same thing happened to them. The performer told Vibe magazine that his dad physically mishandled a few of his kin and sisters. Bobby, his second most seasoned kin, was the person who experienced the most. Bobby was his mom’s cherished child, and his dad, who couldn’t bear it, vented his fury on him.

In any case, this didn’t vindicate the other DeBarge offspring of their obligations. They were all brutally rebuffed. Rabbit, the oldest child, said that she had endured long periods of physical, mental, and sexual maltreatment because of her dad. She said that he started physically manhandling her when she was seven years of age and proceeded until she was thirteen. Chico, then again, figured out how to move away from his dad yet not from his kin or colleagues at school.

He got into contentions on the grounds that the youths nicknamed him “Oreo, zebra, crossbreed.” But it wasn’t the fights that terrified him. What terrified him was the possibility of his brother whipping him on the off chance that he lost. Notwithstanding his kids’ statements as a whole, Robert denied truly attacking his family.

The way that each of Robert’s kids were engaged with medications and wrongdoing has for quite some time been public information. One might contend that the consequences of disastrous past events drove them down an endless flow of dull streets. Bobby was the first of the DeBarge youngsters to get dependent on opiates. He was only 15 when he became snared, and as he became older, he regularly got into struggle with the specialists.

The vocalist was condemned to five years in prison in 1988. He died at 39 years old from inconveniences from HIV/AIDS, which he was trapped in prison. Rabbit additionally went to drugs because of friend pressure. “You weren’t in assuming you weren’t utilizing drugs,” she said. What’s more when the DeBarges weren’t utilizing drugs, they were secured for it.

Chico, Bobby, Tommy, Mark, James, and El were totally sentenced to prison eventually for drug dealing. Chico was captured for weed ownership on November 14, 2021, as per TMZ. Before it, he was secured in mid 2021 while acting like his brother, James. After everything that has unfolded, his mom simply has one lament: allowing her kids to work in the music business.